Founded in 1926, the Anthropological Society of South Australia was the first of its type in Australia

About the Society

Early founding members of the society included Norman Tindale, Charles Mountford, Frederic Wood Jones, Thomas Campbell and Robert Pulleine


ASSA aims to:

  • Bring together people from all walks of life who share an interest in learning about other cultures;

  • To promote the study of anthropology, archaeology and related disciplines; and

  • To take public and official action in the interests of anthropology and archaeology as may be deemed desirable.


Become a member

Society members include professional people working in the fields of Australian anthropology, archaeology and related disciplines as well as other researchers, students and the general public.

The activities of the Society include the annual Norman Tindale Memorial Lecture and occasional public lectures by invited speakers.

The Society also conducts occasional field trips to Aboriginal sites (in conjunction with Aboriginal communities) and members are invited to participate.

Membership also entitles individuals to a copy of the annual Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia.

Joining the Society gives you access to all of our events and lectures.


Annual Norman Tindale Memorial Lecture

Each year the Society hosts a Norman Tindale Memorial Lecture. One of the Society’s founders, Tindale was an Australian anthropologist, archaeologist and entomologist. Tindale is perhaps best remembered for his work which attempted to catalogue Australia’s Indigenous ‘tribal boundaries’. His valuable contribution to our Society as well as to Australian anthropology and archaeology are commemorated in our ongoing lecture series.