Submission Process

All papers in the journal are currently refereed by a ‘double-blind’ review process. Two reviews are now conducted in this manner. One review is undertaken by an external specialist in the field and another is undertaken by a member of the Editorial Advisory Board. Editors also review all contributions. Final acceptance of manuscripts for publication is at the discretion of the editor/s. Please click on the following link for the journal’s Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement and related editorial policies – all authors, peer reviewers, editors and advisory board members must also read and adhere to this document.

Contributions accepted include: articles (5000-8000 words), short reports (1000-3000 words), obituaries (500-2000 words), thesis abstracts (200-500 words) and book reviews (500-2000 words). Instructions for authors (in addition to the journal’s editorial policies) can be found here:

click to download author instructions

All authors are required to sign an author agreement before papers are published and provide a statement of approval for proof acceptance. A download link for the author agreement can be found below:

click to download authorship agreement
